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    Monday, September 23, 2019

    SCERT, Assam Results 2019

    SCERT, Assam Results 2019: Non-Gazetted Posts @ SCERT, Assam

    SCERT, Assam has declared the results of the written test held on 17th & 18th August, 2019 for recruitment of different non-gazetted posts under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam.

    The list of candidates short listed for proficiency test are available in the website https://www.scertassamonline.in/

    The date, time and venue for the proficiency test will be notified shortly in the above website and informed the concerned candidates through their mail.

    Name of posts:


    1. Laboratory Assistant(DIET)
    2. L.D.A cum Typist (DIET)
    3. Stenographer (Grade-III)
    4. Office Assistant (BTC)
    5. Demonstrator (CTE)
    6. Library Assistant (CTE)
    7. L.D.A cum Typist (IASE and CTE)

    1. Technician (DIET)
    2. Computer Technician (CTE)
    3. Technician (HTTC)
    4. Operator (HQ)

    1. Graduate Instructor (BTC)
    2. Assistant Teacher (Normal School)
    3. Normal Instructor (BTC)
    4. Normal Instructor
    5. Instructor (Normal School)

    1. Hindi Teacher (Normal School)


    1. Librarian (DIET)

    Group(F )

    1. Work Experience Teacher

    SCERT, Assam Written Test Results 2019: 
    List of Shortlisted Roll Numbers: Group A
    List of Shortlisted Roll Numbers: Group B

    List of Shortlisted Roll Numbers: Group C

    List of Shortlisted Roll Numbers: Group D, E, F

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