Tezpur University Recruitment 2019: Teaching Positions (51 Posts), Apply Online

Tezpur University.
Last Date: 26/07/2019.
Applications through ONLINE mode Only (available in
Last Date: 26/07/2019.
Applications through ONLINE mode Only (available in
ONLINE Recruitment Portal http://luit.tezu.ernet.in/rs) are
invited from eligible Indian Nationals and Overseas Citizen Of
India (OCI) cardholder under Section 7A for the vacant
teaching positions in Tezpur University.
1. Professor
No of posts: 13
2. Assistant Professor
No of posts: 17
3. Associate Professor
No of posts: 21
Eligibility Criteria: The essential academic qualifications
1. Professor
No of posts: 13
2. Assistant Professor
No of posts: 17
3. Associate Professor
No of posts: 21
Eligibility Criteria: The essential academic qualifications
and other requirements shall be as per the UGC Regulations,
2018 Dated 18 July, 2018, is available on the UGC website
www.ugc.ac.in. However, for the subjects of Education.
Engineering and Business Administration for which relevant
\revised regulations are not y
et prescribed by the NCTE and AICTE, and since the UGC
Regulations 2018 does not cover these subjects, therefore,
qualifications only (and not the other requirements) are
prescribed as per the UGC Regulations, 2010 Dated 30
June, 2010 read with the UGC Regulations, 2013 (2′”/ Amendment)
Dared 13 June 2013, UGC Regulations, 2016 (3rd Amendment)
Dated 4 May, 2016 and UGC Regulations, 2016 (4th Amendment)
Dated Il July, 2016. These qualifications for the subjects of
Education, Pharmacy, Engineering and Business Administration
are, therefore, subject to change as per the concerned regulatory
authorities' revised regulations, if the same is notified during the
process of recruitment.
Professor: Academic Level 14 with Rationalised Entry Pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-
(Pre-revised PB-4: Rs.37,400-67,000/- plus Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/-)
Associate Professor: Academic Level 13A with Rationalised Entry Pay of Rs. 1,31,400/- (Pre-revised PB-4: R.s. 37, 400-67, 000/-plus Academic Grade pay of Rs. 9, 000/-)
Assistant Professor: Academic Level 10 with Rationalised Entry pay of Rs. 57,700/-
Professor: Academic Level 14 with Rationalised Entry Pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-
(Pre-revised PB-4: Rs.37,400-67,000/- plus Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/-)
Associate Professor: Academic Level 13A with Rationalised Entry Pay of Rs. 1,31,400/- (Pre-revised PB-4: R.s. 37, 400-67, 000/-plus Academic Grade pay of Rs. 9, 000/-)
Assistant Professor: Academic Level 10 with Rationalised Entry pay of Rs. 57,700/-
(Pre-revised PB-3: Rs. 15, 600-39, 100/- plus Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 6, 000/-)
Application Fee: Rs. 1.000/- (Rs. one thousand only: Nil from SC. ST.PWD) in the
Application Fee: Rs. 1.000/- (Rs. one thousand only: Nil from SC. ST.PWD) in the
form of Crossed Demand Draft in favor of Registrar. Tezpur University. payable at
Tezpur (Tezpur University Branch in case of State Bank Of India). The Demand
Draft should not be drawn before the date of issue of the advertisement. Applicants
are also to write his / her name and the post applied for on the backside of the draft
. The application fee can also be paid through internet banking as detailed in the
Online Recruitment Portal.
How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications
How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications
in the “prescribed proforma” through ONLINE Recruitment Portal http://luit.tezu.ernet.irv’r#)
. A hard copy (pdf) of the application submitted online. duly signed by the candidate.
and supported by self-certified photocopies of all supporting documents, must reach
The Registrar, Tezpur University, P.O. Napaam, Dist. Sonitpur, PIN- 784028, Assam,
so as to reach on or before the last date as stated above. The envelope containing
the application (one envelope should contain only one application) should be
superscribed as :
“Application against Advt. No. 05 / 2019 for the post of………………. (name of
“Application against Advt. No. 05 / 2019 for the post of………………. (name of
the post) Department / Centre: …………………………………………………”
The hard copy of the application (pdf) and all supporting must be signed on every
The hard copy of the application (pdf) and all supporting must be signed on every
page and the application should contain an INDEX (duly signed) Of papers in a
clear and systematic manner with page numbers.
Completed applications with all required enclosures as stated above should be
Completed applications with all required enclosures as stated above should be
submitted to The Registrar, Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur — 784 028, Assam,
India, within the last date as stated in the first page of this advertisement.
Note: This is in cancellation of the earlier advertisements (Advertisement No. 03/2017
Note: This is in cancellation of the earlier advertisements (Advertisement No. 03/2017
Dt. 12.05.2017 and Advt. No. 13/2016 Dt. 31.12.2016) for which recruitment could
not be completed due to administrative reasons. Candidates who had applied for
various positions against those advertisements shall have to apply afresh, failing
which their candidature shall not be considered. It is again stated that all candidates
who had applied earlier against the above-stated advertisements are to apply
afresh against this current advertisement failing which their candidature
shall not be considered. However, such candidates who had paid application fee
along with their applications against those advertisements need not pay the application
fee again. But they will be required to furnish the details of the application fee paid
earlier in the appropriate column of the application.
Advertisement Details: Pl check here .
Apply Online: Click here .
Advertisement Details: Pl check here .
Apply Online: Click here .
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